Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 30 Section 2

U.S Involvement and Escalation

1. What did each of the fallowing play in the decision to escalate U.S. military involvement in Vietnam?

Lyndon B. Johnson- Was determined to contain communism in Vietnam but opposed sending American troops to fight in Vietnam, though he eventually did.

Robert McNamara- The Secretary of Defense who worked closely with the president to help reach the conclusion to start sending troops to Vietnam.

Dean Rusk- The Secretary of State who worked closely with the president to help reach the conclusion to start sending troops to Vietnam.

William Westmoreland- A American commander in South Vietnam who requested more American troops because he was greatly unimpressed with the fighting ability of the South Vietnamese Army.

U.S. Congress- Granted President Johnson war powers such as the desicion to send troops off to Vietnam

American Public Opinion- Did not want to see the spread of communism.

U.S. Military Strategies result in a bloody stalemate.

1. What military advantages did the Americans have over the Vietcong?
They lacked the high power weaponry that the american forces had and the number of forces and supplies.

2. What military advantages did the Vietcong have over the Americans?
They had many useful advantages such as effective hit and run tactics, a better knowledge of the land and the juggle, and they had the advantage of secrecy because they cold disguise themselves as civilians and attack troops. They also had several underground tunnels that not only protected against air attacks but connected towns.

3. What military strategies did the Americans use against the Vietcong?
They used the strategies such as setting up land mines everywhere to explode in the jungle, and strategy of trying to prevent the Vietcong from gaining the support of the south and rural populations. Ironically these strategies usually ended up backfiring and hurting the U.S. troops.

4. What military strategy did the Vietcong use against the Americans?
The Vietcong used the strategy of setting there own traps in the jungles for the American troops to fall into. Also they had more motivation then just military struggle, they were fighting for there existence, and this kept them fighting defiantly.

What role did each of the fallowing play in this(negative)change of public support?

1. The U.S. Economy- As the war dragged on the economy began to suffer as the inflation rate tripled and there were tax increases to help fund the war.

2. Television- People were exposed to war in a way they had never previously experienced before due to many new media outlets such as the television. People were able to see Americans being carried of in body bags.

3. The Fulbright hearings- Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, organized televised committee meetings asking for answers about the war, this fueled the publics growing doubt.


Cathy said...

i love uuuuuu

Cathy said...

i love uuuuuu

Aisha said...

Thank you very much! :)

sarahpalinisamazing said...

THis is amazing! thank you

sarahpalinisamazing said...

this is amazing! thanks

sarahpalinisamazing said...

THis is amazing! thank you

sarahpalinisamazing said...

THis is amazing! thank you

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KlassicKouture said...

you're the bestttttt

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Unknown said...

Thank u lots!!

Unknown said...

you guy are freakin cheater!!!!

ME TOO ..... LOL (9^_^)9

Unknown said...

Love this lol thanks for not letting me fail 💎👌😂😂

Unknown said...

Thanks 😊

Unknown said...

Well... it's this worksheet goes a long way...

Unknown said...

Really needed this information. Couldn't get this packet done without it. THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

You're awesome

rayhigh said...

Easy class prep!

Unknown said...

Your a life saver!

Unknown said...

Thank you!