Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 30 Section 2

Letter from a Soldier in Vietnam

1. In the letter, Lieutenant Kempner describes a plant. What does the plant look like?
On his patrol through the jungle Kempter saw a flower that was soft and red and had no thorns on it.

2. What does this plant represent to Kempner?
Kempner explains that the flower represents Vietnam because Vietnam is a country filled with plants with thorns that cut as well as guns and death but even in the middle of that there is still one beautiful flower, just like there is still some beautiful thoughts of hope for peace even if the flower might one day die.

3. Based on your reading of this letter, what qualities or traits do you think might have helped Kempner cope with the trials of war in Vietnam?
From my reading it seems Kempner has the trait of finding hope and beauty even in horrible and hopeless times. This trait is one that would help sustain him in his time in Vietnam where everything was so dark, dangerous, and seemingly hopeless.

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