Sunday, November 4, 2007

Critical Thinking 19-5!

Why do you think Germany escalated its U-Boat attacks in 1917?

Germany was in a competition with Britain and for nationalistic reasons they wanted to be superior, especially in military, to Britain so it would cause them to try and create a strong superior navy, one made with U Boats. Also Germany would want a better navy to have an easier time with imperialism. Germany started to escalate its u boat attacks because of the blockade put upon them by Britain. Britain had a strong naval strength and decided to use it to block the coast of Germany to keep weapons, food, and other supplies from being transfered. This in effect caused famine that lead to around 750,000 Germans starving to death. Germany had to retaliate this blockade and so they upped there U Boat attacks. The boats had the authority to attack any boat in British waters. The favoring of submarines was due to the fact that it was a more stealth form of attack.

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