Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Critical Thinking 17-3!

In what ways might Illinois, Wisconsin, and Oregon all be trailblazers in progressive reform?

These three states all played important influential parts in progressive reform to try and make there state a better social and economic place to live. Wisconsin led the way in trying to regulate big business. Wisconsin's republican leader Robert Follette wanted the big businesses, like railroads, to stop living above the law. He gave the railroads the same tax rate as other property's, set up commission to regulate rates, and put a stop to railroads hanging free passes to state officials(p. 516). Illinois was a first in passing laws that limited child labor and the amount of hours women could work. Other states soon fallowed in what Illinois was doing. Oregon was were advance for the womens workday were made. Many cases were brought to courts of women working too much, this lead to the courts passing a reduced 10 hours work day for women. Other states fallowed suit and started strengthening there women work day laws as well and soon men were also facing the benifits of reciving a shorter work day(p. 517).

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