Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Critical Thinking 14-5!

Which invention or development described in this section had the greatest impact on society?

The development that had the greatest impact on society was the invention of electricity. Electricity changed many aspects about the nature of everyday American life as well as American business.

In the business world Electricity became a way to power many different kinds of machinery. Electricity also allowed the running of huge factories and operations because they could be helped run by the power of electricity. Power plants were also changed because they could now be built and run in areas free of a water source instead of needing to be built by a river because they could run sufficiently of electricity. The invention of electricity's impact did not stop just at business but also was found in everyday life. It could be used inside house holds and was used to help build many time saving devices for everyday use. Electricity was convenient and inexpensive so it really influenced a great number of everyday peoples lives.

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